Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Middle of the Night Story

Okay, I was going to begin this little tale with some disclaimers, but I think it'll speak for itself. If you lose all respect for me as a mother, I will totally understand... But Suzanne insisted that I share the story.

So it was little after midnight last night. I leaped out of bed as I heard my oldest daughter screaming "Mommy, HELP!!!... MOMMY, MOMMY!!!!" in extreme terror, from what seemed like a far away place... As I am bolting downstairs I realize that she is in the downstairs bathroom with the door closed. She is still screaming just as fearfully, and I start yelling to her to calm down and tell me what is the matter. I yell this to her a couple of times before I get to the bathroom door. Just as I am opening the door, I see Anna standing up on the sink (not the potty) screaming "THERE'S A RA----." I immediately do what any barefoot mother who has seen a cat-sized rat in her garage before... I closed the door back. I slammed the door shut and ran and got up on a chair... Isn't that horrible??!!!. My poor baby was shut in a room with a rat. And I didn't go rescue her! Luckily Wes had made it downstairs by then and as I sort of explained what was going on, he grabbed a hammer and was about to open the door when we hear Anna yell, "IT'S A ROACH, LIKE THAT WAS OUTSIDE." We then realized that it was probably a water bug which commonly come out of the drains this time of year. We went in and were actually unable to find the evil perpetrator... But we did find Anna who was still a little shaken. I'm not sure if she was most shaken by the bug or by the mommy who left her alone with the bug. But we reassured that it was okay, and got her tucked back into bed.

1 comment:

kimberly said...

oh my goodness!!! that is HILARIOUS!! I remember you telling me about the rats! i think i would have done the same thing! so funny!!