Friday, June 20, 2008

End of Homeschool Year 1

So this afternoon we finished up our first year of homeschooling! WOW! What a great feeling! I've just been thinking over the year, and praising God for so much grace, growing, and goodness! I know I have posted numerous times how much we have enjoyed it, but we really did. Sure, there were tons of challenges, sin, and difficult moments, but overall, it was such a sweet time. Once again, I LOVED the curriculum we used. It is a perfect style for me & my girls. We spent so many hours snuggled up on the couch reading great books. Oftentimes the girls have chosen books from our curriculum (including history & science) for their bedtime stories! But it's going to be nice to have a little more time to play with the little ones & attend to the house!

boy sister

On Sunday Claire came up to me and said, "Maria is looking for her boy sister." "Huh? What is this kid trying to say? Oh... a boy sister would be a brother!" That's what happens when you have 3 sisters and no brothers!

Pet List

A couple of years ago I told the big girls that when both Claire and Elaine were potty-trained we would start thinking about getting a pet. Well, to my amazement that day has arrived (for the most part... there's still lots of accidents around here)! In anticipation of this glorious day I asked the girls to create their "pet wish list."

Unanimously their top choice was a dog. But the alternate list is awesome:


-mouse or rat
-hamster or guinea pig



I LOVE how this list is so stinking funny, was also so telling of my precious & unique daughters!