Friday, June 20, 2008

End of Homeschool Year 1

So this afternoon we finished up our first year of homeschooling! WOW! What a great feeling! I've just been thinking over the year, and praising God for so much grace, growing, and goodness! I know I have posted numerous times how much we have enjoyed it, but we really did. Sure, there were tons of challenges, sin, and difficult moments, but overall, it was such a sweet time. Once again, I LOVED the curriculum we used. It is a perfect style for me & my girls. We spent so many hours snuggled up on the couch reading great books. Oftentimes the girls have chosen books from our curriculum (including history & science) for their bedtime stories! But it's going to be nice to have a little more time to play with the little ones & attend to the house!


Cobblestones said...

It sounds just perfect! What a wonderful year. Can't wait to see you...

Shelly said...

Hey there Melissa! Your post was so encouraging... I am thinking of homeschooling Corbin next year (kindergarten) and was looking at Sonlight. So you liked it? How are you guys?

Shelly said...

OK, I am curious about Sonlight. We need to talk. :) How are you guys?

Shelly said...

I forgot that i had already left a comment! :) wow, I must have been really tired.