Monday, March 24, 2008

some things i'm learning (or trying to)...

* it's not enough to say i struggle with pride; we all struggle with pride. therefore i need to specifically share how it's manifested in my heart and life. the key for me is to be specific and honest!

*one of key ways i can treat others how i want to be treated is by not judging motives and by thinking the best of them. that i what i want from others, and to do anything less is hypocritical, unloving, judgmental.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you. Luke 6:38

*i need interdependence and community! this is a hard achievement in a foreign country with four small children, but without true accountability and confession my heart hardens so quickly!

*God is the God of grace and unconditional love. He has accepted me only because of My Savior's life & death - but He has accepted me & wants me to walk in the abundant life & extend His love and grace to others, as imperfectly as He knows I will.

* i'm being reminded how radical Jesus is! he goes against all the norms. he goes for the heart with unrelenting power! his life was one of valuing people, giving, forgiving, healing and encouraging us to walk that path! i want to live Matthew 5 & Luke 6!!!

*i'm very saddened but also thankful that i can so readily see my sin reflected in my children. the tones, the looks, the impatience, the anger... saddened b/c my words and actions so often do not align, and they see it. saddened b/c their hearts are prone to hew the same broken cisterns as myself. thankful because it provides me with an opportunity to apologize and seek forgiveness. thankful because it provides me with an opportunity to be humbled and remember the goodness & grace of my Lord to work despite my pitiful offerings.

1 comment:

Spirit of Adoption said...

Oh Melissa! I can SO relate! One of the things I most struggle with is charitable judgement, which is something Jason is SO good at. He challenges me so much in this, and then my pride even comes out THEN! : (

It's hard enough to build relationships in country that are significant and rich, I can't imagine in a foreign country!!!!! Oh may the Lord grant sweet, rich friendships for you, my sister!

And reeping what we sew - indeed. I'm seeing these things in our children....the tone, the anger, the uncharitable judgement, the lack of patience, ect, so, so, so sad. BUT as you said, a GREAT opportunity for seeking forgiveness and being swallowed up in the Gospel (us and our kids!). Praise Him for His great, undeserved, kindness, forgiveness, justification, and adoption of sinners!