Thursday, March 13, 2008


I wish I was more faithful at updating the blog, but life is always happening. But do know that there is a constant supply of blogs in my head. Somehow they just never materialize here.

Anyway, we are staying busy with homeschooling. I LOVE LOVE it. We have had such a wonderful experience. Anna & Maggie are learning tons, reading very well, interested in everything, growing in creativity (that has NOTHING to do with me :), and content with the schedule. We love the Sonlight Curriculum and have read so many great books this year. It's awesome.

I am in the midst of potty training both Claire & Elaine. Yup, that's tons of fun ;)! It's been about a month, and all I can say is there are okay days, bad days, and days that make me wonder what kind of insane person am I??!!!! But I try to be hopeful that today will be the day when everything clicks...

There's more, of course, but I gotta take care of those lil' ladies calling for me.


Spirit of Adoption said...

What do you use for homeschooling??

melissa said...

we use sonlight curriculum -

GREAT GREAT stuff... possibly re-produceable w/ a public library, but i love that's it self-contained, reusable (for the most part)& is mostly reading great books.

Kimberly said...

I am potty training wesleygrant this week...i call it boot camp...we've tried in the midst of busy schedules with no consistnacy...your entry is encouraging for me...i used our last diaper today...i told him it is all underwear from here...we'll see what becomes reality...thanks for the encouargement! I hear ya on a day with kids and no time to blog! love you guys!