Monday, August 13, 2007

A little more Xalapa

So this turned out to not be a zoo, but it was by far the LUSHEST park I've ever been to.

The girls and I with the lovely Lupita Bigurra!

Anna & Claire chilling at the Villa's home

Miguel (missionary to Spain from Monterrey) & Chuck (associate pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Jonesboro, Arkansas) blessed IBUC with some evangelistic training, a men's retreat & some preaching! The Villa's blessed all of us with an incredible lunch.

Our final Sunday in Xalapa we invited the church over for lunch. It was so well attended we ran out of food :)! Here the jovenes are trying out Extreme Jenga! We miss you all!!!

We had a busy, but somehow wonderfully refreshing 6 weeks in Xalapa. These posts do not do our trip justice because so many people and places are missing (because we are horrible at remembering to take pictures!!!). We praise the Lord for loving us so tangibly throughout the entire trip! The sweet body of believers at IBUC, the Moody's, the Brooks', the College Life Dudes, Torie, Miguel & Chuck, the Bigurra Families, Sra. Francis - thank you all for loving us, encouraging us, praying for us and mostly for glorifying God through your humble lives of love and service. May His grace continue to shine through all of us!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

So great to see all of this!! So fun! I miss you! and miss you each time i look at new photos on your blog...hope to see you during the holidays!! or sooner!! =)