Saturday, November 08, 2008

Some laughs...

Here are couple of funny conversations w/ Claire this week:

As I am filling in the ovals of my voting ballot Claire keeps asking me why I'm coloring the eggs. I keep telling her that I have to. Finally after turning in the ballot she asks,
"Are you going to vote now that you're finished coloring?"

(We were talking about how powerful God is. How He knows everything. How He created everything.)
Claire: When I was still destroyed God made me.
Me: When you were what?
Claire: When I was still destroyed - you know, before I was in your tummy.

Logical language in action - the opposite of created = destroyed.


Stephanie Rohloff said...

That is hilarious! ...before she was destroyed. I love the way that kids figure things out in their she must have been destroyed to be created? So cute.

Gloria Furman said...

this made me laugh out loud-- thanks! :)

Jami Nato said...

dude, how did i not know you had a blog? you can't keep these things from me.

melissa said...

KEPT a blog- notice date of the last entry... and thanks for stalking me :)