Thursday, October 16, 2008

Blogs That Crack Me Up!

Most of the blogs I read are friends' blogs. I have some really great spiritual blogs that feed into my Google reader too, but there are usually way too many posts for me to read, so I usually ignore them like the clutter on my closet floor. (Exceptions: Girl Talk, 22 Words)

Then there are the blogs that just make me laugh. I thought I would share them with you in hopes that you could share your fav's with me.

1. McSweeney's Interenet Tendency- not the easiest site to naviagate and I don't think there's a feed, but there is some hysterical stuff there. I'm a big fan of Lists, Open Letters, & Short Imagined Monologues. My all time favorite may be this.
2. Before they got their book deal, Stuff White People Like was a daily highlight of mine.
3. And just today (hence the post), I was pointed to another great one (HT: MP) Cake Wrecks! Oh my goodness, my side still aches from all the laughter. I probably most appreciate this site because Wes & I have chuckled for years at the misuse of apostrophes and quotation marks (just being a stereotype - SWPL).
4. And, I almost forgot : Engrish. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I read

This lady does some amazing things with a cake mix and frosting!