Monday, June 11, 2007


As you may have noticed from my last post, the Lord is really making me deal with the root of all my sins: Pride. Embarassing to admit, and not new news to me, my pride is horrendous, offensive & very much alive. My personality (tend to be a listener, kinda quiet, fairly nice) makes it SO easy to hide. Well, I don't want to hide anymore. I want to be changed in the depths of my heart to be like Christ - the humble Servant. Not fearing men, but fearing God. Pray for me!

Along with the Bible, here are some things that I've been reading on the subject:
The Glorious Pursuit: Embracing the Virtues of Christ by Gary Thomas
Humility by Andrew Murray
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
Humilty: True Greatness by C.J. Mahaney
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (chapter called The Great Sin)
When People are Big and God is Small by Edward T. Welch

as well as listening (or reading) to:
John Piper's sermons on Humility

If you have any other recommendations, PLEASE share!!!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Quoting Gary Thomas from the Glorious Pursuit

"Pride is that potent, that destructive, that abusive, and that offensive. Relationally, there are few things so obnoxious as self-righteousness. Spiritually, there are few things so injurious or even lethal as pride.

The irony is, the more we experience the character of Christ, the more natural reason we'll have to become prideful...If we're not careful, spiritual growth can sabotage itself."