Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Documentation of Why I'm Going Crazy...

At least 15 times a day Elaine asks me (thankfully in the most adorable voice) "Whatcha doin', mama?" And at least 15 times a day I answer, "Cleaning up, Elaine."

3 is a very concrete age, and their little minds are working very hard to make sense of everything. And oftentimes Claire's mind is beyond her vocabulary and ability to communicate. So I spend a lot of time having conversations like these:

Claire: "What's that?"
Me: "It's a box of cookies."
Claire: "Where's it from?"
Me: "The store."
Claire: "Why is it from the store?"
Me: "Because that's where we bought it from."
Claire: "Why is that where we bought it from?"
Me: "Because they were selling them, and we wanted them."
Claire: "Why did we want them?"
Elaine: "Whatcha doin', mama?"
Me: "Cleaning up, Elaine"
Claire: "Why are you cleaning up?"
Me: "Because the house is a mess."
Claire: "Why is the house a mess?"
Me: "Because no one puts their things away when they're finished playing with them."
Claire: "Why don't no one put their things away when they're finished playing with them?"
Me: "That, my dear, is a stinking great question!"
Claire: "Why..."

Or sometimes the conversation ends early with:

Claire: "What's that?"
Me: "It's a box of cookies."
Claire: "Why is it a box of cookies?"
Me: "''s... a box of cookies... because... that's what it is........."


Stephanie Rohloff said...

Melissa you are so very blessed! I hope and pray that soon I would have children to clean up after and answer why questions to. What a blessing your sweet little girls are!

I think I am going crazy at the moment also, but for the exact opposite reason...I am waiting desperately for little tiny ones to clean up after and love on each day.
God Bless you sweet Friend! and what a Funny Post!

Laurie said...

Okay I had to comment on this one because Isaac is the same way...3 and very inquisitive!

Here is our daily dialogue:

"Watcha doin Mama?"
"Making lunch"
"What are we having?"
"Why are we have sandwiches?"
"Because that is what is for lunch"
"What, Mama?"
-and the ever popular-
"Why is your hair wet, Mama?"
"Because I took a shower?"
"Why did you take a shower?"
"To get clean"
"What, Mama?"
"To get clean"

At which part the conversation usually starts all over again or I give "the look" and he scampers off laughing.

Oh my. I feel your pain, Melissa! :)

Kimberly said...

SO hilarious! I can just see the girls talking to you like that! love those little sweeties!!