Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bosque Magico y Mas

Well, I forgot the camera, but insert our family in the picture & you can imagine us having a blast at a local amusement park - Bosque Magico. It was a fun family day, which we haven't had in a good while. We rode rides, had ice cream, played in the water & saw a fun dolphin & seal show.

We are mourning the end of an-all-too-short summer. School ended June 28th & is starting back on Monday, August 21st. We're all a little anxious about the upcoming year. Maggie will begin preschool, & Anna will go to 1st grade. We are praying for a smooth transition for all us. The girls will certainly have the challenge of mostly spanish speaking school environments, and I'll have the challenge of getting everyone up & going, as well as letting my big girls away from from me a few hours everyday.


Anonymous said...

hi melissa,
so good to see your blog. it's a beautiful way to watch a healthy family create memories.
hope all is well,

Anonymous said... starting already...have you been reading the latest "girl talk" about school traditions and schedule....good stuff for even 27 year olds who are not moms yet :)

melissa said...

yes jenny, i have been getting lots of good ideas...let's hope i can implement them!

Anonymous said...

Although wesley-grant isn't in school yet, we are feeling the anxiousness of fall starting and new schedules....will be praying for you girls!

Hector G. said...

Hola Melissa,

Solamente viendo tu blog. Mucha suerte en esta estapa que inicia con tus dos niƱas mayores en la escuela. Primero Dios todo va a estar muy bien!

melissa said...

Gracias Hector! A mi tambien! Que loco todo esta ahorita, pero con Dios va a estar mas tranquilo en tiempo!