Monday, April 24, 2006

What is she saying?

Here's a little sample of what I get to hear all day long. Claire has ALOT to say, I'm just not sure what it is. If anyone knows what she's saying, post it!

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Anonymous said...

HOW CUTE!!!! She is growing so fast! Her hair is so cute! I have no idea what she said! so funny! Wesley-Grant is starting to talk like that, we just make it up and keep going...i'll see if he says something like that and get back with you!
you were doing a great job with your responses to her, though! haha!! so funny! Thanks for that! love the videos! makes us feel like we are there! love it!

Anonymous said...

That is so fantastic! Made me laugh. I can't believe how big she is! All I understand was, "Mama" at the beginning. You know, they actually teach us in my classes that if we don't know what a child is saying in the playroom, we just respond back with a sound effect in the same tone of voice as the child and then it's like we understood perfectly. I think that's hilarious! I love that we can just pretend we know what's going on and kids are none the wiser! And, it's funny, because to them, they make perfect sense! Give the girls a hug for me!